The skin of their face is so firm, the Egyptian sword won’t cut it
Kosrat Dlshad Mohammed
When you look at the words and actions of the senior leaders of the PUK and KDP, you will see that their words and actions are always contradictory to each other. Take, a vivid example, the recent event on February 21st, which is International Mother Language Day. Masrour Barzani posted a message on his social media account emphasizing, “More attention must be given to the Kurdish language.” It is quite strange that Masrour Barzani, who himself is a destroyer and underminer of Kurdish language and culture, is now, with the utmost hypocrisy, advocating for greater attention to be given to the Kurdish language!! For nearly six years, since 2019 until now, he has been the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, holding the highest position, with the lives and livelihoods of citizens in his hands. Precisely since that time, he has systematically oppressed the teachers, representatives, and educators of that sweet language (Kurdish) in every possible way, deprived them of their most basic rights. It was just a few days before International Mother Language Day, those dedicated teachers who value the Kurdish language wanted to come to the capital of their own country. However, the Prime Minister was not available to meet them. Despite this, he sent them back to the Green Zone with the utmost humiliation and disappointment. This duplicity in the actions and statements of those political officials has become routine and a part of their daily behavior, and they do not easily abandon it. As it has been said.. The skin of their faces is so firm that the Egyptian sword will not cut them.
Editor: Diyar Harki