The PUK and KDP’ esape in the battlefield has made the fate of Kirkuk liberation an emptied revolution and worth nothing since revolution 1991.
Sangar Saleem Ahmed – Activist
We are marking 34th year anniversary of Kirkuk revolution which was in spring 1991. The liberation of the city was spark ✨ of all hopes that the kurdish people in North of Iraq dreaming and came to true. All the political parties such as PUK, KDP and Islamic parties participated the revolution as well. In fact, at all societies the nation’ building isn’t the way that each political party has its own military forces regardless of tribes,religion or any political agenda. At the time of revolution, there wasn’t any national military that shows world that the Kurdish forces have their own land. This led to the city with have multiple militia groups and each of the political parties wanted a specific purpose and attempt to control natural resources.
Our city of Kirkuk, throughout the history made the neighbours around Iraq always think about their political interventions . Turkey state fascist is an example that always wanted make the city as part of the country or choose to elect a political system that serves the interests of the Turks.
The Kurdish forces in North Syria made a great symbol of our nation’s pride. As we see due to great national military prevented the Turkish invasion Syrian Kurdistan,remains strong unity. They show themselves as they are unity and fighting for their own land.
The Kurdish forces in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq including the KDP and PUK made the region always reined and no hopes ever though for building institionalised military and economy. Their political interests were above all.
Let’s going to discuss about our great city of Kirkuk. The reason beyond losing Kirkuk as great part of Kurdistan is having multiple political militia groups, and they all described themselves better agenda than each other.
From the revolution 1991, the kurdish forces failed to make Kirkuk as part of Kurdistan. The rise of group of so-called Islamic State made the city like any part of Kurdistan for several years and the kurds themselves protected the city from the group’s invasions.
On 16th Oct 2017, the escape of both forces is a great example of National trison that two of parties given mandate to the Iraqi security forces, no battle being made at all. Now Unfortunately Kirkuk in process of demographic changes due to Arab invasions.
Unfortunately, our city of Kirkuk made it difficult to become as part of Kurdistan ever again.